How to type fractions in word
How to type fractions in word

how to type fractions in word how to type fractions in word

You can also make use of the given template fraction equations through the insert feature.You can also represent fractions as or depending on your preference or requirement. If you want to add a single-digit just preceding the fraction (eg: ), follow the insert step and simply take the typing cursor before the equation and type in the number.Select the column(top) you want to write as a fraction and repeat the insert method on that single column, which will give you a fraction column on top as well.Follow the insert method above to get initial blank columns.Which will give you similar results as above, for example: To write fractions within a fraction After this, go to the page below and select the respective columns to fill it accordingly.In the next step you’ll find an option reading: “fraction” on the toolbar, click on it and select the format you want to present your fraction as.Go to the right corner of the bar and select “equation”.Alternative to the above method, select the “insert” option on toolbar.This action will help you get your final fraction in this format: Insert.While selecting the written equation with your cursor, press “shift and f9” simultaneously or right click on the mouse and select “toggle field codes”.You start by pressing “Ctrl and f9” keys simultaneously, which gives you something like this:.

How to type fractions in word